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Bowlero Youth Classic Strike N Spare

AMF Syracuse Lanes - SYRACUSE, NY -156 Days Left
PRIZE FUND 1:3 (Based On Entries)
This League is Empty
Split {{$index+1}} (Weeks {{weeks[$index].start}} - {{weeks[$index].end}})
Split {{$index+1}} (Weeks {{weeks[$index].start}} - {{weeks[$index].end}})

Standings update in progress. Next week's position round matchups are pending.

Pos Position Lg Pos Prize Lane ID {{league.numPlayers == 1? 'Bowler': 'Team'}} Points Won Points Lost W - L Points Unearned {{league.isVirtual && league.allowsTournament ? 'Event' : 'YTD'}}
{{league.isVirtual && league.allowsTournament ? 'Event' : 'YTD'}}
{{league.isVirtual && league.allowsTournament ? 'Event' : 'YTD'}} W - L Win % Games Won Games +/- {{league.numPlayers == 1? 'Bowler': 'Team'}}
{{league.numPlayers == 1? 'Bowler': 'Team'}}
Scratch Pins Scratch Total Pins Total Bonus Pins Bonus {{league.isVirtual && league.allowsTournament ? 'Event' : 'YTD'}} Pins HSG HSS HHG HHS
{{$index + 1}}
{{t.wholePos}} {{splitedPrizesDiv[$parent.$parent.$parent.$index][$index].fund | currency}} {{splitedPrizes[$index].fund | currency}} {{t.lane}} {{league.user_team_ids[]}}
{{t.pointsWon}} {{t.pointsLost}} {{t.pointsWon}} - {{t.pointsLost}} {{t.pointsUnearned}} {{t.pointsWonSplit}} {{t.pointsLostSplit}} {{t.pointsWonSplit}} - {{t.pointsLostSplit}} {{t.pctWon == 'NaN' ? 0 : t.pctWon}} {{t.gamesWon}} {{t.gamesToDate}} {{t.totalPinsToDate - (200 * league.numPlayers * t.gamesToDate)}} {{t.hdcp}} {{t.average}} {{t.scratchPins}} {{t.totalPins}} {{t.bonusPins}} {{t.totalPinsSplit}} {{t.hsg}} {{t.hss}} {{t.hhg}} {{t.hhs}}
Pos Bowler Entering Average Ent Average Avg True Avg Hdcp Ind. Points Won IPW Total Games Gms Total Pins Pins High Game HSG High Game Hdcp HHG High Series HSS High Series Hdcp HHS
{{m.firstName }} {{ m.lastName}} {{m.firstName }} {{ m.lastName}}
{{m.average}} {{m.realAvg}} {{m.hdcp}} {{m.indPointsWon}} {{m.gamesPlayed}} {{m.totalPointsScored}} {{m.highGame}} {{m.highGameHdcp}} {{m.highSeries}} {{m.highSeriesHdcp}}
{{s.team1Ref != null? : "(Vacancy)"}} {{s.team1Score}}
{{s.teams[0].lane ? "Lanes " + getLanePair(s): ""}}
{{s.team2Ref != null? : "(Vacancy)"}} {{s.team2Score}}
{{s.teamStats[0].average === 0 ? 0 : game.totalScore}} {{s.teamStats[0].average === 0 ? 0 : s.teams[0].totalScore}} +{{(match.allowBonusPins && s.teams[0].bonusPins? s.teams[0].bonusPins : 0 )}}
{{s.teamStats[1].average === 0 ? 0 : game.totalScore}} {{s.teamStats[1].average === 0 ? 0 : s.teams[1].totalScore}} +{{(match.allowBonusPins && s.teams[1].bonusPins? s.teams[1].bonusPins : 0 )}}
Pos Position Lg Pos Prize Lane ID {{league.numPlayers == 1? 'Bowler': 'Team'}} Points Won Points Lost W - L Points Unearned {{league.isVirtual && league.allowsTournament ? 'Event' : 'YTD'}}
{{league.isVirtual && league.allowsTournament ? 'Event' : 'YTD'}}
{{league.isVirtual && league.allowsTournament ? 'Event' : 'YTD'}} W - L Win % Games Won Games +/- {{league.numPlayers == 1? 'Bowler': 'Team'}}
{{league.numPlayers == 1? 'Bowler': 'Team'}}
Scratch Pins Scratch Total Pins Total Bonus Pins Bonus {{league.isVirtual && league.allowsTournament ? 'Event' : 'YTD'}} Pins HSG HSS HHG HHS
{{$index + 1}}
{{t.wholePos}} {{splitedPrizesDiv[$parent.$parent.$parent.$index][$index].fund | currency}} {{splitedPrizes[$index].fund | currency}} {{t.lane}} {{league.user_team_ids[]}}
{{t.pointsWon}} {{t.pointsLost}} {{t.pointsWon}} - {{t.pointsLost}} {{t.pointsUnearned}} {{t.pointsWonSplit}} {{t.pointsLostSplit}} {{t.pointsWonSplit}} - {{t.pointsLostSplit}} {{t.pctWon == 'NaN' ? 0 : t.pctWon}} {{t.gamesWon}} {{t.gamesToDate}} {{t.totalPinsToDate - (200 * league.numPlayers * t.gamesToDate)}} {{t.hdcp}} {{t.average}} {{t.scratchPins}} {{t.totalPins}} {{t.bonusPins}} {{t.totalPinsSplit}} {{t.hsg}} {{t.hss}} {{t.hhg}} {{t.hhs}}
Pos Bowler Entering Average Ent Average Avg True Avg Hdcp Ind. Points Won IPW Total Games Gms Total Pins Pins High Game HSG High Game Hdcp HHG High Series HSS High Series Hdcp HHS
{{m.firstName }} {{ m.lastName}} {{m.firstName }} {{ m.lastName}}
{{m.average}} {{m.realAvg}} {{m.hdcp}} {{m.indPointsWon}} {{m.gamesPlayed}} {{m.totalPointsScored}} {{m.highGame}} {{m.highGameHdcp}} {{m.highSeries}} {{m.highSeriesHdcp}}
{{s.team1Ref != null? : "(Vacancy)"}} {{s.team1Score}}
{{s.teams[0].lane ? "Lanes " + getLanePair(s): ""}}
{{s.team2Ref != null? : "(Vacancy)"}} {{s.team2Score}}
{{s.teamStats[0].average === 0 ? 0 : game.totalScore}} {{s.teamStats[0].average === 0 ? 0 : s.teams[0].totalScore}} +{{(match.allowBonusPins && s.teams[0].bonusPins? s.teams[0].bonusPins : 0 )}}
{{s.teamStats[1].average === 0 ? 0 : game.totalScore}} {{s.teamStats[1].average === 0 ? 0 : s.teams[1].totalScore}} +{{(match.allowBonusPins && s.teams[1].bonusPins? s.teams[1].bonusPins : 0 )}}

  • {{!m.team1_id && !m.team2_id ? '' : m.teams[m.team1_id] ? m.teams[m.team1_id].name : 'TBD'}}
    {{game.totalScore != 0 ? game.totalScore : ''}}
    {{m.score.teams[0].totalScore != 0 ? m.score.teams[0].totalScore : ''}}
    TBD vs
    Lanes {{m.team1_lane}} - {{m.team2_lane}}
    {{!m.team1_id && !m.team2_id ? '' : m.teams[m.team2_id] ? m.teams[m.team2_id].name : 'TBD'}}
    {{game.totalScore != 0 ? game.totalScore : ''}}
    {{m.score.teams[1].totalScore != 0 ? m.score.teams[1].totalScore : ''}}

Last Week's Scores

{{s.team1Ref != null? : "(Vacancy)"}} {{s.team1Score}}
{{s.teams[0].lane ? "Lanes " + getLanePair(s): ""}}
{{s.team2Ref != null? : "(Vacancy)"}} {{s.team2Score}}
{{game.totalScore}} {{s.teams[0].totalScore}} +{{(s.allowBonusPins && s.teams[0].bonusPins? s.teams[0].bonusPins : 0 )}}
{{game.totalScore}} {{s.teams[1].totalScore}} +{{(s.allowBonusPins && s.teams[1].bonusPins? s.teams[1].bonusPins : 0 )}}

No matches entered for {{}} yet


High Average

Bowler Average
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Male Bowler Average
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Female Bowler Average
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Junior Bowler Average
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Adult Bowler Average
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Junior Male Bowler Average
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Junior Female Bowler Average
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Adult Male Bowler Average
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Adult Female Bowler Average
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}

Most Improved Average

{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
{{t.improvedAvg > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{t.improvedAvg}}
Male Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
{{t.improvedAvg > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{t.improvedAvg}}
Female Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
{{t.improvedAvg > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{t.improvedAvg}}
Junior Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
{{t.improvedAvg > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{t.improvedAvg}}
Adult Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
{{t.improvedAvg > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{t.improvedAvg}}
Junior Male Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
{{t.improvedAvg > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{t.improvedAvg}}
Junior Female Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
{{t.improvedAvg > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{t.improvedAvg}}
Adult Male Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
{{t.improvedAvg > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{t.improvedAvg}}
Adult Female Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
{{t.improvedAvg > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{t.improvedAvg}}

High Individual Points

{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Male Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Female Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Junior Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Adult Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Junior Male Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Junior Female Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Adult Male Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}
Adult Female Bowler
{{t.prize | currency}}
{{t.firstName}} {{t.lastName}}

POA Game

Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Male Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Female Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Junior Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Adult Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Junior Male Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Junior Female Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Adult Male Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Adult Female Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}

POA Series

Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Male Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Female Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Junior Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Adult Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Junior Male Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Junior Female Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Adult Male Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Adult Female Bowler Avg Score +
{{b.prize | currency}}
{{b.avg}} {{b.pins}} {{ > 0 ? '+' : ''}}{{}}
Split {{split+1}} (Weeks {{weeks[split].start}} - {{weeks[split].end}})

High Games Scratch

Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Team Score
{{b.prize | currency}}

High Series Scratch

Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Team Score
{{b.prize | currency}}

High Games Handicap

Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Team Score
{{b.prize | currency}}

High Series Handicap

Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Junior Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Male Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Adult Female Bowler Score
{{b.prize | currency}}
Team Score
{{b.prize | currency}}

Bowlero will award $1 MILLION in SMART Scholarship funds across 40 Bowlero Corp locations, donating a total of $24,000 per tournament per location! Open to all youth bowlers 17 & under (as of 8/1/23). 


For more information please click HERE

To view the complete rules please click HERE


Squad times will be 9am or 2pm both Saturday and Sunday! 


The tournament will feature a 4-game set with three (3) divisions:

  • 9yrs & Under
  • 10yrs through 13yrs
  • 14yrs through 17yrs

*Proof of age will be required at Check-In


Each division will have the top four finishers guaranteed scholarships with additional payouts of 1:3 ratio

  • 1st Place - $4,000
  • 2nd Place - $2,000
  • 3rd Place - $1,250
  • 4th Place - $750


Start Date:  Saturday, June 01, 2024

End Date:   Sunday, June 02, 2024

Shift 1 @ 9:00 AM

Shift 2 @ 2:00 PM

Shootout Series:     1


Start Date:  Saturday, June 01, 2024

End Date:   Sunday, June 02, 2024

Shootout Series:     1


AMF Syracuse Lanes





Morgan S.
Natalie Y.
Tiffany M.
Nora E.
Isabelle R.
Dimitri Z.
Ethan R.
Carter L.
Carie M.
Camryn S.
Emma S.
Brayden C.
Rainah R.
Dylan T.
Ethan C.
Sadrianna E.
Jeremie H.
Maxwell B.
Jesse T.
Alex M.
Emma F.
Amelia S.
Carter B.
Amali B.
Elijah S.
zoe f.
Donovan R.
Ayden G.
Brent B.
John A.
Gavin R.
Ethan C.
Peyton N.
August D.
Kianna M.
Ryan M.
Charles B.
Kelly W.
Joseph E.
Joseph M.
Banner M.
Garrett A.
Joyanna K.
Tyler A.
John L.
Jacob D.
Eliana O.
Alex B.
Allyson R.
Zachary K.
Raymond C.
Angelo G.
Lydia T.
Owen C.
Lino D.
Steven S.
Gavin B.
Mehdi M.
Jonathan D.
Kylie O.
Anna A.
Kora K.
Rachel L.
Elliott G.
Miles G.
Braden C.
Cierra G.
Gavin B.
Jack S.
Jeffrey W.
Alyssa R.
Nolan R.
Lucas T.
Adam W.
Maxwell B.
Ryan L.
Alexander H.
Joshua W.
Brayden M.
Parker M.
Asher M.
madison r.
Keaton O.
Mason B.
Colton B.
Jacob V.
Brayden V.
Lilyanna C.
Caleb C.
Samantha C.
Tim D.

All winnings will be deposited through the SMART program from account #13060


*Additional payouts per division will be 1:3 ratio

14yrs to 17yrs
1st $4,000
2nd $2,000
3rd $1,250
4th $750
5th $300
6th $200
7th $150
8th $100
9th $100
10th $95
11th $95
12th $90
13th $90
14th $90
15th $90
16th $85
17th $85
18th $85
19th $85
20th $80
21th $80
22th $80
23th $80
24th $80
25th $80
26th $80
27th $75
28th $75
29th $75
30th $75
31th $70
32th $70
33th $70
34th $70
10yrs to 13yrs
1st $4,000
2nd $2,000
3rd $1,250
4th $750
5th $300
6th $150
7th $100
8th $100
9th $90
10th $90
11th $80
12th $80
13th $75
14th $75
15th $70
16th $70
17th $70
18th $70
9yrs & Under
1st $4,000
2nd $2,000
3rd $1,250
4th $750
5th $350
6th $250
7th $150
8th $90

More Info

The 2024 Bowlero Youth Classic tournament is being hosted at 40 Bowlero locations around the country and over 1 million in scholarships will be awarded!  Open to all youth bowlers 17 & under (as of 8/1/23). For more information please click HERE


The Bowlero Youth Classic is a PBA Jr. Affiliate Tournament. PBA Jr. Club Members with a current and active PBA Jr. Club membership will be eligible to accumulate points in order to earn SMART awards in the PBA Jr. Jim Welch Memorial Scholarship


To become a PBA Jr. Member please click HERE!

Registration is now open to Youth bowlers of all skill levels from all centers for the Bowlero Youth Classic.


*Proof of age will be required at Check-In


If you feel you’ve reached this message in error, please contact us at

Team Name

Please Select Your Division

{{$index +1}} {{ :}} | Avg: {{bowler.average}} | Division: {{}}
{{$index +1}} {{ :}}
  • {{$index +1}} {{ :}} | Avg: {{bowler.average}} | Division: {{}}
    {{$index +1}} {{ :}}

Entry Payment information:


Payment type: {{ == '0'? 'LP Balance' : 'Credit Card' }}
Payment amount: {{ - | currency}}

Please select your existing team below, or create a new one:

No new team spots available

This bowler is already assigned to a user.
Your join league request will require your center's approval. Once approved, you will receive an email confirmation that your league is available on your dashboard. Thanks for your patience.

Please enter a First and Last name
{{$index +1}} {{ :}} | Avg: {{bowler.average}} | Division: {{}}
{{$index +1}} {{ :}}
  • {{$index +1}} {{ :}} | Avg: {{bowler.average}} | Division: {{}}
    {{$index +1}} {{ :}}

Entry Payment information:


Payment type: {{ == '0'? 'LP Balance' : 'Credit Card' }}
Payment amount: {{ - | currency}}

You cannot join this league, you are not part of any team in the main event.

You cannot join this league, you are not part of any team.

You cannot join a league with a center or admin account.

You cannot join this league, more than {{timeLimitDays}} days have passed since it started.

You cannot join this league, it has already ended.

Sorry, but this league is full. Please contact your center to join.

You are already a member of this league

You are already registered for this tournament. Only one singles entry is allowed into the {{}}.

View {{league.allowsTournament ? "Tournament" + (league.daysTo > 0 ? " Entry" : "") : "League"}}

Registration is now open to Youth bowlers of all skill levels from all centers for the Bowlero Youth Classic.


*Proof of age will be required at Check-In


If you feel you’ve reached this message in error, please contact us at

To register, you will need a LeaguePals account which is fast, free and easy to set up


 If you don't have a LeaguePals account, click SIGN UP


 If you have a LeaguePals account, click LOG IN.


You cannot join a league with a center or admin account.

Please be sure you are submitting this form before bowling. You will be disqualified from this shootout by submitting this form after your league has started.

Your center has disabled online registration for this league - please reach out to your center for details.