League Management Has Never Been This Easy
Payments & Accounting
Money envelopes are time consuming, hard to read, and full of errors. Our “Digital Envelope” makes league accounting instant and accurate with online and cash payments recorded and automatically reconciled in the cloud.
Integrated League Scoring
Scores and standings are automatically updated minutes after the last ball is thrown in league, and our Cloud League Scoring integrates with your scoring system giving you the freedom of accessing your leagues anywhere.
Customizable Reporting
All league information is exportable into pdf, csv or xlsx for yout record keeping or internal reconciliations. Build custom saved reports to run in a single click for things like local association or national award reports, score histories, or final average reports.
Why LeaguePals?
Bowling leagues cannot continue with limited success. They deserve a fully featured and integrated platform that makes league management simple.
Success Stories
-Don MacLaren Jr. LEARN MORE
- Todd Thompson LEARN MORE